Source code for globalemu.eval


``evaluate()`` is used to make an evaluation of a trained instance of
``globalemu``. It has to be initialised with a set of kwargs, most importantly
the ``base_dir`` which contains the trained model. Once initialised it can
then be used to make predictions and return the predicted signal plus the
corresponding redshift. ``evaluate()`` can reproduce a high resolution Global
21-cm signal (450 redshift data points) in 1.5 ms.


import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
import gc
import pickle

[docs]class evaluate(): r""" The class can be initialised with the following kwargs and the following code .. code:: python predictor = evaluate(**kwargs) **kwargs:** base_dir: **string / default: 'model_dir/'** | The ``base_dir`` is where the trained model is saved. model: **tensorflow model / default: None** | If making multiple calls to the function it is advisable to load the trained model in the script making the calls and then to pass it to ``evaluate()``. This prevents the model being loaded upon each call and leads to a significant increase speed. You can load a model via, .. code:: python from tensorflow import keras model = keras.models.load_model( base_dir + 'model.h5', compile=False) logs: **list / default: [0, 1, 2]** | The indices corresponding to the astrophysical parameters that were logged during training. The default assumes that the first three columns in "train_data.txt" are :math:`{f_*}` (star formation efficiency), :math:`{V_c}` (minimum virial circular velocity) and :math:`{f_x}` (X-ray efficieny). gc: **Bool / default: False** | Multiple calls to the function can cause runaway memory related issues (it is worth testing this behaviour before scheduling hpc jobs) and these memory issues can be somewhat eleviated by setting ``gc=True``. This performs a garbage collection after every function call. It is an optional argumen set to ``False`` by default because it can increase the time taken to perform the emulation. z: **list or np.array / default: Original redshift array** | The redshift values at which you want to emulate the 21-cm signal. The default is given by the redshift range that the network was originally trained on (found in ``base_dir``). Once the class has been initialised you can then make evaluations of the emulator by passing the parameters like so .. code:: python signal, z = predictor(parameters) **Parameters:** parameters: **list or np.array** | The combination of astrophysical parameters that you want to emulate a global signal for. They must be in the same order as was used when training and they must fall with in the trained parameter space. For the 21cmGEM data the order of the astrophysical parameters is given by: :math:`{f_*, V_c, f_x, \tau, \alpha, \nu_\mathrm{min}}` and :math:`{R_\mathrm{mfp}}` (see the ``globalemu`` paper and references therein for a description of the parameters). You can pass a single set of parameters or a 2D array of different parameters to evaluate. For example if I wanted to evaluate 100 sets of 7 parameters my input array should have shape=(100, 7). **Return:** signal: **array or float** | The emulated signal. If a single redshift is passed to the emulator then the returned signal will be a single float otherwise the result will be an array. If more than one set of parameters are input then the output signal will be an array of signals. e.g. 100 input sets of parameters gives signal.shape=(100, len(z)). z: **array or float** | The redshift values corresponding to the returned signal. If z was not specified on input then the returned signal and redshifts will correspond to the redshifts that the network was originally trained on. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): for key, values in kwargs.items(): if key not in set( ['base_dir', 'model', 'logs', 'gc', 'z']): raise KeyError("Unexpected keyword argument in evaluate()") self.base_dir = kwargs.pop('base_dir', 'model_dir/') if type(self.base_dir) is not str: raise TypeError("'base_dir' must be a sting.") elif self.base_dir.endswith('/') is False: raise KeyError("'base_dir' must end with '/'.") file = open(self.base_dir + "preprocess_settings.pkl", "rb") self.preprocess_settings = pickle.load(file) self.data_mins = np.loadtxt(self.base_dir + 'data_mins.txt') self.data_maxs = np.loadtxt(self.base_dir + 'data_maxs.txt') if self.preprocess_settings['resampling'] is True: self.cdf = np.loadtxt(self.base_dir + 'cdf.txt') self.model = kwargs.pop('model', None) if self.model is None: self.model = keras.models.load_model( self.base_dir + 'model.h5', compile=False) self.logs = kwargs.pop('logs', [0, 1, 2]) if type(self.logs) is not list: raise TypeError("'logs' must be a list.") self.garbage_collection = kwargs.pop('gc', False) boolean_kwargs = [self.garbage_collection] boolean_strings = ['gc'] for i in range(len(boolean_kwargs)): if type(boolean_kwargs[i]) is not bool: raise TypeError("'" + boolean_strings[i] + "' must be a bool.") if self.preprocess_settings['AFB'] is True: self.AFB = np.loadtxt(self.base_dir + 'AFB.txt') if self.preprocess_settings['std_division'] is True: self.label_stds = np.load(self.base_dir + 'labels_stds.npy') self.original_z = np.loadtxt(self.base_dir + 'z.txt') self.z = kwargs.pop('z', self.original_z) if type(self.z) not in set([np.ndarray, list, int, float]): raise TypeError("'z' should be a numpy array, list, float or int.") def __call__(self, parameters): if type(parameters) not in set([np.ndarray, list]): raise TypeError("'params' must be a list or np.array.") if type(parameters) is list: parameters = np.array(parameters) if len(parameters.shape) == 1: params = [] for i in range(len(parameters)): if i in set(self.logs): if parameters[i] == 0: parameters[i] = 1e-6 params.append(np.log10(parameters[i])) else: params.append(parameters[i]) normalised_params = np.array([ (params[i] - self.data_mins[i]) / (self.data_maxs[i] - self.data_mins[i]) for i in range(len(params))]) else: params = [] for i in range(len(parameters)): params_set = [] for j in range(len(parameters[i])): if j in set(self.logs): if parameters[i, j] == 0: parameters[i, j] = 1e-6 params_set.append(np.log10(parameters[i, j])) else: params_set.append(parameters[i, j]) params.append(params_set) params = np.array(params) normalised_params = np.array([ (params[:, i] - self.data_mins[i]) / (self.data_maxs[i] - self.data_mins[i]) for i in range(params.shape[1])]).T if self.preprocess_settings['resampling'] is True: norm_z = np.interp(self.z, self.original_z, self.cdf) else: norm_z = (self.z - self.original_z.min()) / \ (self.original_z.max() - self.original_z.min()) if isinstance(norm_z, np.ndarray): if len(normalised_params.shape) == 1: x = np.tile(normalised_params, (len(norm_z), 1)) x = np.hstack([x, norm_z[:, np.newaxis]]) else: x = np.hstack([ np.vstack([np.tile(normalised_params[i], (len(norm_z), 1)) for i in range(len(normalised_params))]), np.vstack([norm_z[:, np.newaxis]] * normalised_params.shape[0])]) tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(x, dtype=tf.float32) result = self.model(tensor, training=False).numpy() if len(normalised_params.shape) != 1: evaluation = np.array([ result[i:i + len(self.z)] for i in range(0, len(result), len(self.z))])[:, :, 0] else: evaluation = result.T[0] if self.garbage_collection is True: K.clear_session() gc.collect() else: x = np.hstack([normalised_params, norm_z]).astype(np.float32) result = self.model(x[np.newaxis, :], training=False).numpy() evaluation = result[0][0] if self.preprocess_settings['std_division'] is True: if isinstance(evaluation, np.ndarray): evaluation = [ evaluation[i]*self.label_stds for i in range(evaluation.shape[0])] else: evaluation *= self.label_stds if self.preprocess_settings['AFB'] is True: evaluation += np.interp(self.z, self.original_z, self.AFB) if type(evaluation) is not np.ndarray: evaluation = np.array(evaluation) return evaluation, self.z