Source code for globalemu.gui_config

This function can be used to generate a configurate file for the GUI that
is specific to a given trained model. The file gets saved into the supplied
``base_dir`` which should contain the relevant trained model. The user
also needs to supply a path to the ``data_dir`` that contains the relevant
testing and training data. Additional arguments are described below.

A GUI config file is required to be able to visualise the signals with the
GUI and once generated the gui can be run from the command line

.. code:: bash

    globalemu /path/to/base_dir/containing/model/and/config/


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle

[docs]class config(): r""" **Parameters:** base_dir: **string** | The path to the file containing the trained tensorflow model that the user wishes to visualise with the GUI. Must end in '/'. paramnames: **list of strings** | This should be a list of parameter names in the correct input order. For example for the released global signal model this would correspond to .. code: python paramnames = [r'$\log(f_*)$', r'$\log(V_c)$', r'$\log(f_X)$', r'$\tau$', r'$\alpha$', r'$\nu_\mathrm{min}$', r'$R_\mathrm{mfp}$'] Latex strings can be provided as above. data_dir: **string** | The file path to the training and test data which is used to set the y lims of the GUI graph and ranges/intervals of GUI sliders. **Kwargs:** logs: **list / default: [0, 1, 2]** | The indices corresponding to the astrophysical parameters that were logged during training. The default assumes that the first three columns in "train_data.txt" are :math:`{f_*}` (star formation efficiency), :math:`{V_c}` (minimum virial circular velocity) and :math:`{f_x}` (X-ray efficieny). ylabel: **string / default: 'y'** | y-axis label for gui plot. """ def __init__(self, base_dir, paramnames, data_dir, **kwargs): for key, values in kwargs.items(): if key not in set( ['logs', 'ylabel']): raise KeyError("Unexpected keyword argument in process()") self.base_dir = base_dir self.paramnames = paramnames self.data_dir = data_dir self.logs = kwargs.pop('logs', [0, 1, 2]) self.ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel', 'y') file_kwargs = [self.base_dir, self.data_dir] file_strings = ['base_dir', 'data_dir'] for i in range(len(file_kwargs)): if type(file_kwargs[i]) is not str: raise TypeError("'" + file_strings[i] + "' must be a sting.") elif file_kwargs[i].endswith('/') is False: raise KeyError("'" + file_strings[i] + "' must end with '/'.") file = open(self.base_dir + "preprocess_settings.pkl", "rb") self.preprocess_settings = pickle.load(file) if type(self.paramnames) is not list: raise TypeError("'paramnames' must be a list of strings.") if type(self.logs) is not list: raise TypeError("'logs' must be a list.") test_data = np.loadtxt(data_dir + 'test_data.txt') test_labels = np.loadtxt(data_dir + 'test_labels.txt') for i in range(test_data.shape[1]): if i in self.logs: for j in range(test_data.shape[0]): if test_data[j, i] == 0: test_data[j, i] = 1e-6 test_data[:, i] = np.log10(test_data[:, i]) data_mins = test_data.min(axis=0) data_maxs = test_data.max(axis=0) full_logs = [] for i in range(len(data_maxs)): if i in set(self.logs): full_logs.append(i) else: full_logs.append('--') df = pd.DataFrame({'names': self.paramnames, 'mins': data_mins, 'maxs': data_maxs, 'label_min': [test_labels.min()] + ['']*(len(data_maxs)-1), 'label_max': [test_labels.max()] + ['']*(len(data_maxs)-1), 'logs': full_logs, 'ylabel': self.ylabel}) df.to_csv(base_dir + 'gui_configuration.csv', index=False)