Source code for


``nn()`` is used to train an instance of ``globalemu`` on the preprocessed
data in ``base_dir``. All of the parameters for ``nn()`` are kwargs and
a number of them can be left at their default values however you will
need to set the ``base_dir`` and possibly ``epochs`` and ``xHI`` (see below and
the tutorial for details).


import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
import numpy as np
import time
import os
from globalemu.models import network_models
from globalemu.losses import loss_functions

[docs]class nn(): r""" **kwargs:** batch_size: **int / default: 100** | The batch size used by ``tensorflow`` when performing training. Corresponds to the number of samples propagated before the networks hyperparameters are updated. Keep the value ~100 as this will help with memory management and training speed. epochs: **int / default: 10** | The number of epochs to train the network on. An epoch corresponds to training on x batches where x is sufficiently large for every sample to have influenced an update of the network hyperparameters. activation: **string / default: 'tanh'** | The type of activation function used in the neural networks hidden layers. The activation function effects the way that the network learns and updates its hyperparameters. The defualt is a commonly used activation for regression neural networks. lr: **float / default: 0.001** | The learning rate acts as a "step size" in the optimization and its value can effect the quality of the emulation. Typical values fall in the range 0.001-0.1. dropout: **float / default: 0** | The dropout for the neural network training. ``globalemu`` is designed so that you shouldn't need dropout to prevent overfitting but we leave it as an option. input_shape: **int / default: 8** | The number of input parameters (astrophysical parameters plus redshift) for the neural network. The default accounts for 7 astrophysical parameters and a single redshift input. output_shape: **int / default: 1** | The number of ouputs (temperature) from the neural network. This shouldn't need changing. layer_sizes: **list / default: [input_shape, input_shape]** | The number of hidden layers and the number of nodes in each layer. For example ``layer_sizes=[8, 8]`` will create two hidden layers both with 8 nodes (this is the default). base_dir: **string / default: 'model_dir/'** | This should be the same as the ``base_dir`` used when preprocessing. It contains the data that the network will work with and is the directory in which the trained model will be saved in. early_stop: **Bool / default: False** | If ``early_stop`` is set too ``True`` then the network will stop learning if the loss has not changed within the last twenty epochs. xHI: **Bool / default: False** | If True then ``globalemu`` will act as if it is training a neutral fraction history emulator. output_activation: **string / default: 'linear'** | Determines the output activation function for the network. Modifying this is useful if the emulator output is required to be positive or negative etc. If xHI is True then the output activation is set to 'relu' else the function is 'linear'. See the tensorflow documentation for more details on the types of activation functions available. loss_function: **Callable/ default: None** | By default the code uses an MSE loss however users are able to pass their own loss functions when training the neural network. These should be functions that take in the true labels (temperatures) and the predicted labels and return some measure of loss. Care needs to be taken to ensure that the correct loss function is supplied when resuming the training of a previous run as ``globalemu`` will not check this. In order for the loss function to work it must be built using the tensorflow.keras backend. An example would be .. code:: python from tensorflow.keras import backend as K def custom_loss(true_labels, predicted_labels, netowrk_inputs): return K.mean(K.abs(true_labels - predicted_labels)) The function must take in as arguments the `true_labels`, the `predicted_labels` and the `network_inputs`. resume: **Bool / default: False** | If set to ``True`` then ``globalemu`` will look in the ``base_dir`` for a trained model and ``loss_history.txt`` file (which contains the loss recorded at each epoch) and load these in to continue training. If ``resume`` is ``True`` then you need to make sure all of the kwargs are set the with the same values that they had in the initial training for a consistent run. There will be a human readable file in ``base_dir`` called "kwargs.txt" detailing the values of the kwargs that were provided for the initial training run. Anything missing from this file will of had its default value. This file will not be overwritten if ``resume=True``. random_seed: **int or float / default: None** | This kwarg sets the random seed used by tensorflow with the function ``tf.random.set_seed(random_seed)``. It should be used if you want to have reproducible results but note that it may cause an 'out of memory' error if training on large amounts of data (see """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): for key, values in kwargs.items(): if key not in set( ['batch_size', 'activation', 'epochs', 'lr', 'dropout', 'input_shape', 'output_shape', 'layer_sizes', 'base_dir', 'early_stop', 'xHI', 'resume', 'random_seed', 'output_activation', 'loss_function']): raise KeyError("Unexpected keyword argument in nn()") self.resume = kwargs.pop('resume', False) self.base_dir = kwargs.pop('base_dir', 'model_dir/') if type(self.base_dir) is not str: raise TypeError("'base_dir' must be a sting.") elif self.base_dir.endswith('/') is False: raise KeyError("'base_dir' must end with '/'.") if self.resume is not True: with open(self.base_dir + 'kwargs.txt', 'w') as f: for key, values in kwargs.items(): f.write(str(key) + ': ' + str(values) + '\n') f.close() self.batch_size = kwargs.pop('batch_size', 100) self.activation = kwargs.pop('activation', 'tanh') if type(self.activation) is not str: raise TypeError("'activation' must be a string.") self.epochs = kwargs.pop('epochs', 10) = kwargs.pop('lr', 1e-3) self.drop_val = kwargs.pop('dropout', 0) self.input_shape = kwargs.pop('input_shape', 8) self.output_shape = kwargs.pop('output_shape', 1) self.layer_sizes = kwargs.pop( 'layer_sizes', [self.input_shape, self.input_shape]) if type(self.layer_sizes) is not list: raise TypeError("'layer_sizes' must be a list.") self.early_stop = kwargs.pop('early_stop', False) self.xHI = kwargs.pop('xHI', False) self.random_seed = kwargs.pop('random_seed', None) boolean_kwargs = [self.resume, self.early_stop, self.xHI] boolean_strings = ['resume', 'early_stop', 'xHI'] for i in range(len(boolean_kwargs)): if type(boolean_kwargs[i]) is not bool: raise TypeError("'" + boolean_strings[i] + "' must be a bool.") int_kwargs = [self.batch_size, self.epochs, self.input_shape, self.output_shape] int_strings = ['batch_size', 'epochs', 'input_shape', 'output_shape'] for i in range(len(int_kwargs)): if type(int_kwargs[i]) is not int: raise TypeError("'" + int_strings[i] + "' must be a int.") float_kwargs = [, self.drop_val, self.random_seed] float_strings = ['lr', 'dropout', 'random_seed'] for i in range(len(float_kwargs)): if float_kwargs[i] is not None: if type(float_kwargs[i]) not in set([float, int]): raise TypeError("'" + float_strings[i] + "' must be a float.") loss_function = kwargs.pop('loss_function', None) if loss_function is not None: if not callable(loss_function): raise TypeError('loss_function should be a callable.') if self.random_seed is not None: tf.random.set_seed(self.random_seed) if not os.path.exists(self.base_dir): os.mkdir(self.base_dir) pwd = os.getcwd() train_dataset_fp = pwd + '/' + self.base_dir + 'train_dataset.csv' column_names = [ 'p' + str(i) for i in range(self.input_shape + self.output_shape)] label_names = column_names[-1] train_dataset = train_dataset_fp, self.batch_size, column_names=column_names, label_name=label_names, num_epochs=1) test_data = np.loadtxt(self.base_dir + 'test_data.txt') test_labels = np.loadtxt(self.base_dir + 'test_label.txt') def pack_features_vector(features, labels): return tf.stack(list(features.values()), axis=1), labels train_dataset = self.output_activation = kwargs.pop('output_activation', 'linear') if self.xHI is True: self.output_activation = 'relu' if self.resume is True: model = keras.models.load_model( self.base_dir + 'model.h5', compile=False) else: model = network_models().basic_model( self.input_shape, self.output_shape, self.layer_sizes, self.activation, self.drop_val, self.output_activation) def loss(model, x, y, training): y_ = tf.transpose(model(x, training=training))[0] lf = loss_functions(y, y_) if loss_function is None: return lf.mse(), lf.rmse() else: return loss_function(y, y_, x), lf.rmse() def grad(model, inputs, targets): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: loss_value, rmse = loss(model, inputs, targets, training=True) return loss_value, rmse, tape.gradient( loss_value, model.trainable_variables) optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam( if self.resume is True: train_loss_results = list( np.loadtxt(self.base_dir + 'loss_history.txt')) test_loss_results = list( np.loadtxt(self.base_dir + 'test_loss_history.txt')) else: train_loss_results = [] test_loss_results = [] train_rmse_results = [] num_epochs = self.epochs c = 0 minimum_model = None for epoch in range(num_epochs): s = time.time() epoch_loss_avg = tf.keras.metrics.Mean() epoch_rmse_avg = tf.keras.metrics.Mean() for x, y in train_dataset: loss_values, rmse, grads = grad(model, x, y) optimizer.apply_gradients( zip(grads, model.trainable_variables)) epoch_loss_avg.update_state(loss_values) epoch_rmse_avg.update_state(rmse) train_loss_results.append(epoch_loss_avg.result()) train_rmse_results.append(epoch_rmse_avg.result()) e = time.time() test_loss, _ = loss(model, test_data, test_labels, training=False) test_loss_results.append(test_loss) print( 'Epoch: {:03d}, Loss: {:.5f}, Test Loss: {:.5f},' .format(epoch, epoch_loss_avg.result(), test_loss_results[-1]) + 'RMSE: {:.5f}, Time: {:.3f}' .format(epoch_rmse_avg.result(), e-s), flush=True) if self.early_stop: c += 1 if epoch == 0: minimum_loss = test_loss_results[-1] minimum_epoch = epoch minimum_model = None else: if test_loss_results[-1] < minimum_loss: minimum_loss = test_loss_results[-1] minimum_epoch = epoch minimum_model = model c = 0 if minimum_model: if c == round((self.epochs/100)*2): print('Early stopped. Minimum at = ' + str(minimum_epoch) + ' Epochs used = ' + str(epoch)) break if (epoch + 1) % 10 == 0: + 'model.h5') np.savetxt( self.base_dir + 'loss_history.txt', train_loss_results) np.savetxt( self.base_dir + 'test_loss_history.txt', test_loss_results) if minimum_model: + 'model.h5') else: + 'model.h5') np.savetxt(self.base_dir + 'loss_history.txt', train_loss_results) np.savetxt(self.base_dir + 'test_loss_history.txt', test_loss_results)